Dirt spread into the wetland pools January 4, 2023.

Akron Fire Dept. “spraying / dumping” into the wetlands, January 18, 2023.

Feb. 2, 2023- excessive amount of road salt dumped at entrance to wetlands, and some plowed toward the land. Rain will wash the remaining road salt into the wetlands damaging the ecosystem.
The SAVE WHITE POND citizen group and LEAD for Pollinators encourage individuals to respect posted signs concerning trespassing. We also encourage you to be safe in recording any activity on the land. Please be safe concerning wildlife, the geography of the land, the railroad tracks, and the gas wells. Please be respectful of any individuals you observe on the land. Phone cameras, and digital cameras have zoom capabilities which allow you to stay safe while still documenting actions against the wetlands.

Feb. 7, 2023- “A man stopped his truck and parked briefly on Pine Grove Drive. He walked into the brush with something in his hand, and then walked back to his truck.” For too long natural areas, wooded lots, wetlands are ignorantly and disrespectfully thought of as “dumping grounds” for all manner of human activity.

Thanks to the neighbors who are monitoring the “activity” at the wetlands.
The “No Trespassing” signs were posted by the City after the citizens
began expressing the value of the land to their neighborhood, and their enjoyment of walking the land and watching the wildlife. The City has effectively deterred the very people who could protect the land through the posting of the “No Trespassing” signs.
Far too many other people are simply ignoring these signs. Instead they park on Pine Grove Road for lunch, or use the land for a personal “pitstop”
(which itself is another form of pollution), and when two vehicles park for an hour or more, that is very possibly a meet-up of another sort. The double-standard of the “activity” on this land is the typical bullying by the City of citizens who are simply participating in their community and government. If truly no-one should be trespassing on this land, then possibly a chain needs to go across the access point at Pine Grove Rd. It is unfair to prohibit and bully “some” people from enjoying the land, while others are allowed to park there,
dump extra road salt, and use the area as their outdoor bathroom.
(photo by a neighbor, of 2 vehicles sitting on the roadway for more than an hour on 2-24-23)