LEAD for Pollinators Log-in To Learn webinars & Creating Pollinator Habitat webinars
Continue your beekeeping, gardening, farming, small business, and leadership education during 2021. We have the education to inspire, inform, and improve your agricultural vocation and avocation. Registration is $10 per person per webinar. The Creating Pollinator Habitat series is available for one price of $100 for all eleven webinars (one for free if you purchase the series price), or $10 per webinar per person. Group rates are available for member associations, clubs, and groups. Email us at info@leadforpollinators.org
The webinars will feature regional and national speakers who are experienced, knowledgeable, and engaging in topics important to beekeeping, pollinator habitat, healthy soils, clean water, community-supported agriculture, leadership, and small business.
“Log-in to Learn: LEADing in 2021: a webinar series,” features topics and speakers who will share their “lessons-learned,” and offer inspiration and guidance on topics relevant to real-world experience and practice. $10 per person per webinar for this series.
The Creating Pollinator Habitat webinar series, will feature topics and speakers providing guidance on creating pollinator habitat from your city yard, corporate campus, and farm. $100 per person for 11 webinars in this series.
Dates: February 2021 to Dec. 2021
Time: 2 p.m.- 3 p.m. OR 8 p.m.-9 p.m. eastern (7p central, 6 p mountain, 5 p pacific). This timeframe will allow for all four time zones in the contiguous U.S. to participate at a comfortable time of day.
Live presentations with live Q & A: All Presentations will be live on their scheduled dates. A limited number may be pre-recorded for speakers in areas with weak broadband service.
Video: Live presentations will be recorded and available for individuals to pay-to-view the presentations across 2021.
Topics and Co-curricular category: Diverse topics will be presented relevant to beekeeping, small farming, pollinator habitat, small business development, and club management.
Registration fee: $10 per person, per webinar (contact us for group rates at info@leadforpollinators.org ).
*Presentations may be cancelled or postponed due to weather, loss of electrical power (by the speaker or LEAD for Pollinators), illness of the speaker(s), or other unforeseen circumstances up to two (2) days prior to the scheduled date. Refunds will be issued if LEAD for Pollinators cancels a scheduled webinar. Every effort will be made to reschedule the presentation at the next available date and time, including the first quarter of 2022.