The Akron Environmental Justice Coalition came together due to a struggle over the White Pond Wetlands and the opportunity of the political winds changing in the City of Akron.
The Environmental Justice Coalition held a Primary Candidate Forum on April 1, 2023 and subsequently held 5 public listening sessions with the community around the City of Akron into the Fall along with a Riparian Setback Ordinance feedback session. A list of priorities developed from those discussions were then presented to the Mayor Elect as 100 Day Asks of Mayor Malik.
This Public Forum Report: Dreams to Reality captures the conversations held at each table the night of the forum between community members and stakeholders, City of Akron Employees, Mayor Malik and several members of the Mayor’s Cabinet.
The Appreciative Inquiry (AI) process was framed by “Imaging Akron in 2050 as a Safe-Healthy- Vibrant City on a Hill.” Participants were asked to address during the session two of the topics of most concern to them which emerged from the year- long public process in 2023. These are the highlights from each table. The Big Love Network, Preserve The Valley, Save White Pond, LEAD for Pollinators, The Portage Trail Group of the Ohio Sierra Club, The Greater Akron Area Audubon Society, and Save White Pond would like to thank Mayor Malick, City Administration and Staff, our local experts in our sustainable future, and our beloved community members for sharing their hearts, minds, stories, spirits with us. We look forward to working together towards Akron’s bright future!
#HeyAkron #Akron #AkronOhio #LoveMyAkron #WhyNotAkron #Sustainability #SustainableCities #EnvironmentalJustice #TreeCanopyMatters #GreenSpaceAccess #UrbanAgriculture #RedLining #GreenBuilding #AffordableHousing #EnvironmentalRacism